Indian Moneys (IIM) And Tribal Trust Funds Search

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) holds 11 million acres in trust for Native Americans. Money from timber sales, agricultural land and oil leases is distributed under the Individual Indian Monies (IIM) program.

In addition to Individual Indian Monies, the Office of Trust Funds Management administers Tribal Trust Accounts. The Special Trustee for American Indians oversees annual payments of $450 million for 300,000 Native Americans, but the whereabouts of 47,000 Native Americans eligible for payment are unknown. Due to lost and inaccurate records for many Native American Indians – many lack a current address and social security number – you will likely not be contacted, so you should initiate a search.

Note: The settlement of recent class action litigation will significantly increase your entitlement. On November 30, 2010, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation authorizing $3.4 billion in compensation to over 500,000 Native Americans. The settlement also authorizes a $60 million Indian Education Scholarship Fund to improve opportunities for higher education for Native Americans.

For a search of Individual Indian Monies (IIM) and to obtain recovery and claims information contact us for an appointment.