Anywhere from 5% to 20% of certificated shareholders do not exchange their certificates after a merger or acquisition. These investors risk having their shares and dividends lost because they have failed to take the required action. To compound the problem, they are unable to liquidate or transfer their shares since they have not properly exchanged their shares. There are many reasons why these holders do not exchange their shares:
- Shareowners are confused by the legality of the letter of transmittal and the legal requirements necessary for a transaction to occur
- Shareholders cannot or do not want to write a check for the lost certificate bonding fee
- The registered shareholder is not at the address of record
- The shareholder is deceased and the heir is unaware.
Whatever the reason may be, the Reese CPA Firm’s Unexchanged Shareowner Service will help you. Our program will identify the issue that is hindering an exchange and will work with the holder in a courteous and shareholder-friendly manner. We explore the nature of the situation for each unexchanged shareowner and determine the best course of action to achieve resolution in the post-merger environment. This unique approach drives superior results. From mergers, acquisitions, and redemptions to more complex corporate actions, the Reese CPA Firm offers post-merger and corporate action solutions that are tailored to each person’s unique situation.
Has Your Corporate Stock Investment Recently Been Through A Merger Or Acquisition?
Speak to the Reese CPA Firm about our Unexchanged Shareowner Services at 952-451-3092 or at